Healthy Eating Your Whole Family Can Enjoy

Our operational practices are grounded in our profound respect for the environment and the welfare of our cattle. We have a strict policy against the use of hormones and antibiotics, and we do not feed our cattle with grains. Furthermore, we refrain from using herbicides, pesticides, or commercial fertilizers on our pastures. Our cattle are wholly raised and finished on pasture.

As one of the few companies initially producing Grass-Fed Beef in Florida, our growth and customer base expansion helped us understand our market better. We discovered that our customers are keen on knowing the origin of their beef, how it was produced, and who was responsible for its production.

Registered Piedmontise/Chaorlais cattle and cross bred beef cattle, all grass fed. Two locations in Madison and Pasco County Florida

Meet Our Team

Tim Griffin
Tim GriffinField Operations Manager

Registered Piedmontise/Chaorlais cattle and cross bred beef cattle, all grass fed. Two locations in Madison and Pasco County Florida

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